Dave’s Lounge #76

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Anji Bee tagged me with an Internet meme over the weekend. It was a pretty simple one — pick seven songs you're enjoying right now. So I've decided to present this meme in podcast form, because I went through most of the music submissions over the weekend and found some great, great stuff that all of you should hear. Now let's see your 7 songs…

Playlist for Dave's Lounge #76:

  1. Toybox, "100s of Bugs"
  2. Sutro, "Affected"  Buy From: iTunes | CD Baby
  3. Ici Aussi, "Here is Love"  Buy From: iTunes
  4. Maximilian Lopp, "Slo Mo"  Buy From: eMusic | iTunes
  5. Tough Chic, "En Route"
  6. Hotel de Ville, "In the Moment"  Buy From: iTunes | CD Baby
  7. Under, "Under (Morgan Page Downtempo Remix)"  Buy From: CD Baby

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Enjoy the show!

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Dave’s Lounge #76 — 1 Comment

  1. I’ve been listening to the show for quite a while and I love it, and I’m glad to say that I had no problems getting the show with all the recent changes to the web site and feed. However, there are a couple tagging-related things that bug me (or maybe they’re iTunes specific?).

    First, in iTunes’ description field, all shows have a description beginning in “Download audio file (DavesLounge-20070404.mp3).” Why does that need to be there? It fills up almost the whole description column for me, so I don’t see more than a word or two from the actual description.

    Secondly, iTunes’ “Podcast Information” screen (from clicking the ‘i‘ on the far right) no longer lists the track list for the show. Any chance of getting that back? Also, it’s hard to read because it’s littered with character codes like &#8217.

    Thanks for another great episode!