Dave’s Lounge #88

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Other projects have taken up a huge chunk of my time lately, so I'm still playing catch-up and digging through song submissions and correspondence. Big thanks go out to Anji Bee for pointing me toward some of this week's musical selections.

Playlist for Dave's Lounge #88:

  1. Two Loons for Tea, "Sunset Room"  Buy from: iTunes | eMusic
  2. Levinhurst, "Never Going to Dream Again"  Buy from: eMusic | iTunes
  3. DJ Blue, "Martini Madness"
  4. Blip Blop, "Crowded"  Buy from: iTunes
  5. Musetta, "Ophelia's Song"
  6. MoShang, "Next in Line"  Buy from: iTunes

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If you'd like to listen to this episode or any other on your nifty new iPhone, check out the Dave's Lounge direct download page.

Enjoy the show!

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